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HRXCAM-2048 camera

INO has introduced a high-resolution infrared 2,048 x 1,536 pixel camera core with 8.5µm efficient pixel pitch. The camera is ideal for the surveillance market. The HRXCAM-2048 camera module uses an uncooled microbolometer detector for imaging in the LWIR range. The 1,024 x 768 pixel array is combined with a lightweight microscanning catadioptric lens to yield high-resolution, high-sensitivity images. With its open architecture, this user-friendly module provides access to detector settings and offers extensive flexibility with respect to integration.

The catadioptric optics is compact as a result of a folded path. It offers a wide field-of-view and large numerical aperture while keeping weight to a minimum. The camera module, which provides a 16-bit raw output, is especially appropriate for developers and integrators.


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