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TPL Vision expands its illumination range

TPL Vision has added two new offerings to its portfolio of machine vision products: ultra-powerful large backlights, applied to robotics; and a new bar light that can be connected directly to the camera.

In the field of robotics, a machine vision camera is often incorporated to detect the position and the orientation of the workpieces before gripping them. This can complicate the process and means that the machine vision integrator has to make adjustments. Backlights and flat domes (LED panels with a hole for the camera) are usually used for these  applications, and aware of the integration issue, TPL Vision has developed its new customisable range. Options include the dimensions, colours, lighting power, collimation, polarisation, wire position, choice of a cable output, and number of holes (for flat domes).

The new bar light, the Essential Ebar+ Link, is equipped with a specific wiring and can be connected directly to the camera (ex: DM300, In-sight 7000) without any power limit. Thanks to a second connector, users can power the light in 24V, if necessary. And with a third unit, the bar lights can link easily with each other in order to synchronise all equipment, with no need to link the entire system to an electrical cabinet. Either in continuous or strobe mode, the Essential Ebar+ Link has very short rising times of 15µs, while the new fixing groove on the back enables easy mounting in the machine vision system.


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