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MegaPlus EC16000

The MegaPlus EC16000, from Princeton Instruments, is an actively cooled, high resolution 16 Megapixel digital camera. It is designed to separate and isolate the camera's primary electronics from the sensor cooling path resulting in true 12-bits per pixel at virtually any operating temperature.


Using Peltier cooling, both dark noise and thermal drift are significantly reduced, making the camera a solution for the most demanding scientific and industrial applications.


The EC16000 is designed to cool the sensor to 5°C below ambient temperature without a fan, which opens up new opportunities for customers who would not have previously considered a cooled camera due to fan vibration.


For applications requiring even greater cooling, an optional fan is available providing cooling capability to ~12°C below ambient temperature.


Features include a 35mm image sensor, interline transfer progressive scan CCD, more than three fps with CameraLink, Firewire (IEEE-1394a) interface and is available in colour or monochrome.


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