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Matrox Radient eV-CXP

Matrox Imaging today announced the Matrox Radient eV-CXP for 3D Profiling, the first member of the Radient eV-Series of frame grabbers to feature on-board 3D profiling using patented Matrox technology. Offering the flexibility to work with any cameras using the CoaXPress® interface standard, this PCI Express frame grabber performs the laser line extraction needed for 3D profiling on the card itself, reducing system demand and freeing resources to be used toward the inspection tasks at hand.

Capable of extracting 9,000 profiles per second (from an image size of 2048x128 pixels)*  with no host CPU usage, the Radient eV-CXP for 3D profiling is ideal for use in inspection tasks in PCB production, road and rail maintenance, and both perishable and non perishable food analysis for example.

“3D inspection using profiling has been limited by the amount of computing power available for analysis,” said Michael Chee, product manager, Matrox Imaging. “Offloading the profiling process to the Radient eV-CXP for 3D profiling removes a bottleneck. This means more time available for the actual inspections, increasing overall system performance including throughput.”

The Matrox Radient eV-CXP provides four independent CXP links through the required BNC connectors. This allows for simultaneous capture from up to four cameras each running at different CXP speeds. For high-bandwidth applications, the frame grabber can also capture from a single camera transmitting image data at up to 25 Gbps using link aggregation.

The user-enabled frame-burst acquisition mode allows further profiling acceleration by reducing the transfer overhead by packaging profile data from multiple frames together. This aggregation increases frame transfer effectiveness and robustness.

*Profile per second performance will vary based on the input frame size and available PCIe bandwidth, which is 2.4 GBytes/s maximum.


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