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iKon-M CCD with dual-AR technology

Andor Technology has launched a version of its iKon-M CCD camera platform with the company’s extended range, dual-AR technology. The camera offers extremely broad and high quantum efficiency (QE) coverage, from ultraviolet through to near infrared.

Available on the 1 megapixel iKon-M 934 CCD platform, the extended range, dual-AR technology broadens the QE range of back-illuminated, deep-depletion sensors. It uses a dual anti-reflection coating process on enhanced silicon, developed by sensor manufacturer e2v. This technology extends the natural NIR sensitivity of deep depletion sensors into the visible and UV regions, with approximately 90 per cent or greater QE in the 400-850nm range. Fringe Suppression Technology ensures that etaloning is minimised in the NIR region.

The sensor technology provides an attractive solution for long exposure broadband applications, such as astronomy and luminescence microscopy. Furthermore, coupled with the microsecond time resolution mode of operation of iKon-M, this sensor option is particularly appealing to ultra-cold matter labs that typically study a range of atoms and ions.


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