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Hikari XP

Edax, a provider of X-ray microanalysis and electron diffraction instrumentation, has introduced Hikari XP, the next generation in electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) cameras. Hikari XP offers outstanding performance across the complete range of EBSD applications, from high speed analysis for process development and quality control to high sensitivity indexing at low beam currents and low accelerating voltages for improved spatial resolution.

In addition to the speed improvements and low beam current performance, the highly versatile Hikari XP is precise with the capability to measure orientations with accuracy down to 0.1°.

When paired with Edax’s Team EBSD software, Hikari XP offers excellent indexing success rates. It indexes 650 patterns per second at a 99 per cent indexing rate under typical EBSD conditions. It also provides outstanding sensitivity, allowing operation down to the 100pA range of beam current.


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