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Lighting manufacturers join forces for automotive crash test systems

Messring Systembau (Munich, Germany) and KHS Technical Lighting, an Atlas MTT company (part of Ametek), have signed a cooperation agreement in the field of lighting technology for automotive crash test facilities.

Messring provides state-of-the-art LED technology for recording high-speed images, while KHS has more than 35 years of experience in custom manufacturing high-speed lighting systems, with a focus on hydrargyrum medium-arc iodide (HMI) lighting technology. The LED technology allows KHS to expand its classic range of products.

‘Experience and customised solutions are absolutely critical in our industry. The good thing about this new partnership is that both companies can continue to focus entirely on their core expertise, yet when a project demands it, can also transfer specific parts of the project to a reliable partner,’ said Dierk Arp, CEO at Messring.


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